Supplies List

The Rural Municipality provides its ratepayers with a number of different services and supplies.

Please note: GST may be added to most of these purchases

Rat and Mouse Poison
Warfarin Oats ......................................................................$ n/c
Ratak Pails .........................................................................$225.00

Gopher Poison 
Rozol Pails (20lbs) .............................................................$159.30
ZP Rodent Oat Bag (45lbs)................................................$205.54
Product Comparrison Information CLICK HERE

The RM of Frenchman Butte, in partnership with the Northwest Municipalities Association, is leading a petition to the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health. The petition addresses the urgent need for a sustainable pest management strategy for Richardson’s Ground Squirrels (RGS), which have become a severe problem across the Prairie landscape.We are requesting that the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) reassess their decision to cancel the use of strychnine for RGS control.You can support this petition by signing it at the RM of Frenchman Butte office until Friday, October 11, 2024, at 4:00 pm. For more information, please click on link below;



R.M. #501 ....... ...................................................................$15.00 (includes GST)
All Other Municipalities ....................................................$15.00

One side ...............................................................................$0.25/Page
Official Municipal Documents (minutes, bylaw, etc.) .....$1.00/Page

Receiving (1st page) ............................................................$1.50
Receiving (U.S.) ................................................................... $3.00
Sending (1st page) ...............................................................$2.00
Sending (U.S.) .......................................................................$3.00
Additional pages ..................................................................$0.50

Equipment Rentals
Tree Planter..........................................................................$10.00/day
Plastic Shelter Belt Roller for Mulch..................................$10.00/day

Culverts (if available)
Used Cukverts -  30% of New Cost 
New Culverts -  RM cost plus 10%

Landscaping Rocks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Over two feet .......................................................................$25/ rock                                                                                                                                                    Over seven feet.....................................................................$1/pound

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