Appealing Tax Assessments


The Board of Revision's 30-Day Appeal Period is April 5, 2024 to May 6, 2024. If you choose to proceed and file a formal appeal with the Board of Revision your Notice of Appeal and the accompanying fee must be recieved before May 6, 2024, the 30-Day Appeal Period. 


What is the Appeal Process?

An appellant is required to provide significant detail in a Notice of Appeal.

Be sure to state specifically where you think the error is and the nature of the error. The details required include all grounds on which the appeal is based, including:

  • description of the valuation or classification allegedly in error;
  • specific grounds on which it is alleged that an error exists; and
  • summary of the material facts supporting the appeal.
  • the secretary of the Board of Revision is required to place on the Board list only those notices of appeal which include the above information. An appeal of property taxes cannot be placed on the list. Also, a fee per property appealed, payable to the RM of Frenchman Butte No. 501, must accompany the appeal. Click here to view the assessment appeal fees. The fee will be refunded if the appellant is successful in their appeal and a change in the assessment value occurs.

The Board of Revision is only concerned with whether or not the value of your property was assessed correctly. Your property assessment is made up of either a land assessment or a land assessment plus a building assessment (Impr). One or both of these assessments may be appealed.

When Are Appeals Heard?

If you submit an appeal, you will be notified in writing of the time and place of your appeal hearing. At that time, you will have an opportunity to restate your concerns to the Board of Revision.

What Will Happen if I Do Not Appear at the Board of Revision Hearing?

If you do not appear at the hearing, the Board of Revision will make a decision based upon the information they have available to them. If you do not attend the appeal hearing, you will not be able to appeal their decision. Written notice of the decision will be provided to you by the secretary of the board within 14 days after a decision has been reached.

Can I Appeal the Decision of the Board of Revision?

Yes. Either party may appeal. You may only appeal if you attended the hearing. You are entitled to make an appeal to the Provincial Assessment Appeals Committee.


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